Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Germanness Inventory

On my way to congratulate my wife's grandmother on her 90th birthday, I took mental notes about my person to see how I am adapting to the German culture. The following is a brief (and by no means comprehensive) Germanness inventory:
  1. Wearing sandals to go outside - leaning American
  2. I am a male, and I'm not wearing socks with my sandals - American
  3. The sandals are flip flops - very American
  4. The flip flops are from the Gap - apple pie, baseball...
  5. Shorts are an earthy green - leaning German
  6. Shorts are not man-capris - American
  7. Earthy green shorts combined with earthy yellow plaid shirt that doesn't particularly stand out - German
  8. I wore the same shirt yesterday - very German
  9. I'm not wearing any black at all, save a digital watch and my glasses frames - very American
  10. My black glasses have rectangle frames in an effort to look intellectual and cool - culturally neutral, if not a bit pompous
  11. Italian-cut hair - German


Sarah said...

The other day in Bilbao some locals said "hello" to my roommate and I without even hearing us speak. Looks like I need to do the same inventory of my appearance!

M and E said...

Unfortunately, "socks with sandals" isn't just a German thing. It's also a midwestern thing. And it kills me every time.

Un Till said...

Well, we all know where the Germans migrated...