Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How To Spot a Christian Buzzword

If Christian marketing uses the word twice in the same sentence, chances are, you've got a buzzword. Consider this, from the back cover of The Wisdom of Stability by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove:
"A work of startling authenticy, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove's new book speaks to each of us who seek an authentic path of Christian transformation."
I'm not sure I can handle that much authenticity. Is this one of those places where "keepin' it real" goes to far?

No to knock the book, of course. The Wisdom of Stability was recommended by a friend. My wife has read about a third of it, and I've read the first chapter. Wilson-Hartgrove might overstate the scriptural case for his points (though I should reflect more here), but I'm thankful that he wrote a book about staying rooted. As someone who's trying to settle after wandering for the better part of a decade, I resonate with the theme. After all, it's a book of startling resonance for everyone who wants to resonate with authentic Christian transformation.

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