Sunday, March 11, 2007

Econ Exam

It's time. Friends, tomorrow I finally take the Economics exam for an online class I've been in since the summer. This in a way has been my penance for taking all the fun classes in my International Affairs major without taking the less interesting (from my perspective - I envy people who find finances interesting, because they will definitely make the most of what they got), but incredibly important classes. Long story short, almost any graduate program in International Relations of any kind requires more economics than I took in college. I can brag about my GPA and whip out my paper on the Cyprus Conflict, but I could not tell you at what point, in perfect competition, a firm that ceases to be profitable should shut down.

It's a bit like eating your vegetables. Not nearly as tasty as dessert or satisfying as red meat, but you know it will help you thrive. So much of the world is run on money, whether we like it or not, and those who understand these things have potential to do something good. That's why I'm excited that my friend Cam, who has a degree in Economics and a knack for business, has a vision for helping people in Africa in the areas of sustainable growth. He has an awesome chance of helping them on a real individual and practical level.

Meanwhile, I need to go to bed. I understand some basic points of economics now, and I pray that I can remember the necessary terms (understanding is only as good as your ability to explain and apply it). If you read this and think about it Monday evening, pray for me.

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