Saturday, July 25, 2009

Scott's Voice

I will mostly remember Scott for his voice. He had many qualities worth remembering: He was a talented musician whose fingers would dance effortlessly around his six-string. He had a face that would light up with a disarming smile as he shared told a joke or led a congregation in worship. He had a love and passion for people - his family, his friend or the needy men and women who he would counsel in a school that would train the un- and under-employed in job skills. But when he sang, all of these noble qualities were a passionate platform off of which to launch his voice. His voice would soar over the congregation in an arch ever upward, leading us with him, to give glory to God.

I never saw him as he fought his cancer. It destroyed his body over the years since I moved away from Orlando. I read his email updates and learned more about him through my father. He refused to wallow in his sufferings, and allowed them to be a testimony to the Lord's love, the Lord's strength, that the end that awaits us all is not the end.

Scott is with the Lord, to whom he so passionately sung. The beauty of his voice was never in that he sang for others. When he sang in front of the church, there was only One to whom his passion, his energies and his voice were focused. Today his voice, unhindered by any sin or suffering this fallen world throws as us, is raised to Him. And like his Savior, Scott will rise again and sing His glory with his beautiful voice.

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