Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happiness Producers

Some happiness producers:
  1. A delicious pot-roast in a red wine sauce, served with mashed potatoes, squash, carrots and salad. Thank you, mom.
  2. A homemade chocolate pound cake that defies all pound cake stereotypes. Thank you, sister.
  3. An office, a house, a place to focus (if I can). Thank you, dad.
  4. Youtube videos of historic moments and sports glory. Thank you, dad again.
  5. A bought and paid-for date with my wife, combined with free babysitting. Thank you, dad and mom.
  6. Help being more German in the written word. Thank you, Schaetzle.
  7. Happy, funny little sounds well past her bedtime. Thank you, daughter.
  8. Depth and beauty. Thank you, Schaetzle again.
  9. A birthday vacation, one month early. Thank you everyone.
I'm not thirty yet...

1 comment:

Justin Thorp said...

Glad to hear you're having some good time off. Thinking about ya and praying for ya bro.