Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Read My Facebook Profile

I was browsing Justin's Facebook profile the other day when I happened upon a link to Richard MacManus' discovery that Facebook profile pages are becoming irrelevant, at least for his readers. The whole article is an interesting read, but I particularly want to endorse MacManus' lament for the Facebook profile at the end.

Now, I appreciate that Facebook has acted intelligently enough to keep its product from being reduced to the technicolor mess MySpace became. But the hyper-focus on the newsfeed turns Facebook into nothing but a Twitter with more attractive link posts. There's use to that, sure, and perhaps that's the only way to travel with a smart phone, but that's only part of what Facebook does.

I like Facebook, because it gives me a chance to show people things about me they may not learn through regular interaction. This is not just the clever articles I like to post, but my profile, what others say to me, beliefs, background, education, etc. Like any other human being, I want to be known, and Facebook helps with this.

Likewise, I get to know you, too. At least the parts you carefully (or not so) choose to share. I learn things about you, interesting things you wish everyone knew, organized neatly with a pleasant blue background.

So read my Facebook profile. I'll read yours too. It will be a serene break from the world of constant status updates, links and advertisement.